Monday, January 2, 2017

The Start of a 'Very Sneaky 2017'

(The fact that the title is 'very sneaky' rather undermines the creation of a blog about being sneaky for an entire year...oh well!)

To start off, my wife's parents gave me an interesting gift for Christmas (2016) they found at a local thrift store:

They were most excited to find out "What's he going to do with it?"

(I am guessing the person who received it as a gift before my in-law's find didn't know what to make of it.)

When I opened the box and started reading the rules (and jumping ahead looking at some of the other cards in the box), I couldn't put it down. The rules and a box of 55 'mission' cards sparked an idea for a year-long mission.

The rules of the game are simple:


Your mission, should you choose to accept it: become a secret agent of joy, spreading art and intrigue to an unsuspecting public. Inside this box is an interactive scavenger hunt that inspires creativity and rewards audacity: Take a selfie with a stranger, give an anonymous gift, become a flash mob of one.
Complete each objective and then pass the card along to an unwitting accomplice, who now becomes part of the game! The fun is ever-expanding, but it all starts with you - Play it forward!

So...each week of 2017, I will draw a card.  I will have ONE WEEK to complete the task given to me.  As each mission is completed, the card is passed to the target of said mission for them to complete.  These cards can be tracked at:

Each Monday there will be a blog update with activities from the previous week's mission (can't give away too many secrets, as some of you may be targets for any of these challenges).  On each of these blogs, there will be updates as to where the cards have visited.

Additional Rules:
  • A 'Mission Card'  will be drawn each Monday.
  • I have 1 WEEK  to complete each task.
  • There will be a blog detailing the completion of each mission and updates on where the cards have visited.
  • The last blog for completed tasks will be on Christmas Day 2017
  • There will be 4 BONUS ROUNDS 
    • I realize that of 55 cards, I will be short 4 weeks (want to make sure to complete the deck of cards before 2018 begins).
    • The requirements for these rounds are TBD. (so just stay tuned)

So join me in this vicarious tour [of the world] through the eyes of these Sneaky Cards!

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