Apologies Travelers...it appears this post was never finished and posted as promised. This task was completed early in what turned out to be a very trying week personally and I never seemed to get back to this one until getting ready for this week's post. Nevertheless, here is The Ninth Mission!
"Don't worry be happy now!"

This Mission was quite easy, well...maybe not
easy per-se, but well...yes it was easy. I am normally a happy, smiley person so I had to think about how someone makes me actually smile and not just because they told a good (or very lame) joke. In fact, I used to collect all things smiley. On my first day of shooting on my first student film set, I found a smiley bobble in the dirt and kept it with me throughout the day, the following day I found some cord at home and made myself a necklace out of it and wore it throughout principal photography for the rest of the film and every one while I was at Florida State, for luck. Other Smileys I collected include: Smiley Flag, Smiley Beanie Baby, Smiley Do-rag, Smiley Hackey-Sack. I had a sketch that I would draw every so often...the Smiley Roger!
Arrr matey!
Alas, I rather moved on from collecting all things Smiley. Not entirely sure why I gave up on this line of collectibles, and I believe all these have been stored away or lost in one of my many moves.

Back to the present. I have been meaning to give one of these cards to a coworker of mine who is likewise a very happy, outgoing person, Kelly! So I selected her for this one in particular because of her perpetual sunny disposition and how when we interact at work and City related events, she always makes me smile. That and her adorable son, he is just as much the life of a party as she.
As we were talking while getting ready for a meeting, I gave the unsuspecting target card #13, just to find out that she has also received a deck of
Sneaky Cards from yet another coworker of ours (that coworker has been put on notice that she will be the target for an upcoming and as yet to be determined card **muah-ha-ha-ha** maniacal laughter).
Likewise, I believe I will be the target for one of Kelly's cards!
Card Updates:
WOOT! We have card movement! Well...turns out it was this week's mission. Thank you Kelly for updating the tracker on Card #13:
Looking forward to see where this one goes next!
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